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An Old Lady & Social Media

I am really struggling and I need your help. I am 65 years old. Does that make me middle age or old? I have been told old and I am really...

Welcome to Cocktail Hour

Cocktail hour started many years ago when we were fortunate enough to be on holiday with our children in Florida. Around 5 o’clock we...

Pregnancy Blues...who knew?

I know we have all heard about postpartum depression and many have heard of baby blues, but pregnancy blues, what is that? Honestly, I...

Should I March?

On Saturday January 21st, there is a women's march in Washington and all over the world.  Should I go to the provincial government...

New Years Resolutions-Why?

As the new year begins, we all get a chance to begin again. Begin what?  The usual-diet, quit smoking, exercise more. What I don't like...

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